Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crabby's First Boxing Day in NH

This in an entry that Crabby's Host, skier4444 wrote for Crabby's Blog:

We went off on adventure to a place for 14 Boxes called found poetry in Bow, NH. Crabby was surprised that all the stamps were just words and they had 2-3 stamps in container.
He said to me ..they should count each stamp..then we would have so much more stamps.
He was also disappointed that the 14th box- final one, had no stamp, asked you to write poetry. Now crabby didn't happen to have a poem handy to write in the book. We tried for 2 more boxes- one was to much water and Crabby and I didn't want to get our feet wet.
The second one we just could not find. skier4444

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